How do you get the most out of your diet? Which foods should you avoid? Are supplements right for you? Paul & his guests explore diet and food here.
Episode 338 — Dr. Enolia Foti: African Shaman
Dr. Enolia Foti reveals how she left corporate America for good, and became a Shaman, Grandmother, Wise Elder and the compassionate leader she was meant to be this week on Spirit Gym.

Episode 334 — Jason Pickard Interviews Paul: Why We Are All Here
Jason Pickard — Paul’s best friend and best student — interviews Paul about the methodology behind Spirit Gym in this very special episode.

Episode 331 — Daniel Solomons and Shawn Wells: Life — Beyond Caffeine
Paul shares his very positive experiences trading his morning espresso with butter for UPDATE with its formulators Daniel Solomons and Shawn Wells this week on Spirit Gym.

Episode 329 — Daniel Roytas: Are You Being Experimented On?
Daniel Roytas, author of the book Can You Catch a Cold?, describes his mission to correct the origins of dis-ease on a broad scale this week on Spirit Gym.

Episode 324 — Jake Takiff: Farming: Our Path to Health and Freedom
Regenerative farming expert Jake Takiff describes a very different view of agriculture — a deep, abiding relationship for the soil and all of the organisms that live on it — this week on Spirit Gym.
Episode 321 — Kyle Kingsbury: The Wisdom Keepers
Kyle Kingsbury describes what life has been like since their 2021 conversation, including a move to a farm and learning how to live without fear this week on Spirit Gym.

Episode 320 — Paul Chek: The Big 6 For Body-Mind Health Today
Paul returns to the blackboard to cover the Big 6 principles of healthy living this week on Spirit Gym.

Episode 319 — Alexander Karp: Kratom: A Safer Approach For Pain Relief
Alexander Karp, chief scientific officer for ETHA Natural Botanics, describes his journey to find pain relief with kratom and the perils of an unregulated marketplace this week on Spirit Gym.
Episode 316: Paul Chek: Q&A
Back by VERY POPULAR DEMAND, Paul tackles a new batch of questions from listeners in his latest Q&A session this week on Spirit Gym.