Human Performance
If you want to know how to hit your peak performance as an athlete or how to maximize your fitness levels, these are your go-to episodes.
Episode 291 — Letao Wang: Myth: Truth or Fallacy?
Spiritual counselor Letao Wang explains how the power of myth, coupled with the Tarot, can tell us more about ourselves than we ever imagined in this revelatory Living 4D conversation.
Episode 286 — Angie Chek: Soul Loss and Recovery
Angie Chek returns to describe soul loss and the steps you can take on your own — or with help from a skilled practitioner to recover it — in this Living 4D meeting of the minds.
Episode 285 — Gunnila and Erik Blomberg: Eleiko: Real Strength
Gunnila and Erik Blomberg share the deep respect and affection they have for Paul and CHEK Institute and how Gunnila helped bring CHEK principles to an international audience hungering for it in this Living 4D conversation.
Episode 282 — Jason Pickard: The Art of Life Coaching
Paul explores what separates the good coaches from the great ones and the most important thing your clients need to learn from you with Jason Pickard in this Living 4D conversation.
Episode 280 — Hamilton Souther: Shamanic Consciousness
Take a deeper dive into the primordial science that is Shamanism with Hamilton Souther in this mystical Living 4D conversation.
Episode 277 — Mark England and Kimberly Kesting: Achieving Mental Freedom
Unravel challenges with imposter syndrome and discover how your internal dialogue affects your external relationships with Mark England and Kimberly Kesting in this conversational Living 4D podcast.
Episode 271 — Daniel and Viktor Gustafsson: Gyms of the Future
Take a tour of Primal Health, a family-owned training facility in Halmstad, Sweden, focused on diet, movement and inner work, with Daniel and Viktor Gustafsson in this Living 4D conversation.
Episode 269 — Adriaan Zimmerman and Ret Taylor: Nature’s Pharmacy
Adriaan Zimmerman and Ret Taylor describe the journeys they’ve taken to create Ned, a company that produces an array of organic botanical products derived from non-GMO resources straight from the regenerative farms in this Living 4D conversation.
Episode 267 — Paul Chek: Are You Spent?
Paul shares strategies that can help you recharge your batteries and give yourself the gift of good health so that you won't be so spent in this special Living 4D podcast.