From stuntmen to scientists to poets, Paul and his share the stories of how their lives have evolved and what they’ve learned along the way in this eclectic collection.
Episode 203 — Emily Abbott: The Bliss Woman
Emily Abbott shares her transition from star athlete to sexual expert/advocate, and describes the need for women to go on their own Heroine’s Journey in this intimate Living 4D conversation.
Episode 199 — Matt Maruca: Business and Freedom: The Hero’s Journey
Matt Maruca shares what he’s learned about his true mission in life and his three simple recommendations for a person of any age wanting to start a business in this very special Living 4D meeting of equals.
Episode 198 — Dr. Doug Brackmann and Meg Terwilliger: Driven or Possessed? The Need to Succeed
Psychologist Doug Brackmann and Meg Terwilliger describe what it means to be driven, the differences between driven men and women and how a first-timer beats a veteran sniper in a shooting match in this very illuminating Living 4D conversation.
Episode 196 — William Burnett: The PTSD Epidemic
Military veteran William Burnett describes his physically and mentally punishing journey back from posttraumatic stress disorder to health through breathwork and his quest to set a Guinness World Record by running 88 consecutive ultramarathons in this healing Living 4D conversation.
Episode 195 — Zeus Yiamouyiannis: Money Facts and Fallacies
Zeus Yiamouyiannis breaks down the barriers that get in our way of true happiness and fulfillment — including the world of finance — in this visionary Living 4D conversation.
Episode 193 — Dr. Stanton Hom: Human Truth
Dr. Stanton Hom shares the essentials parents should follow to raise a physically and mentally healthy child in this cautionary Living 4D conversation.
Episode 192 — Jason Pickard: Finding Soul
Jason Pickard describes his incredible transformation to whole health inside and out thanks to the 4 Doctors and his spiritual relationship with Paul that has evolved from mentorship to deep friendship in this loving Living 4D conversation.
Episode 191 — Dimitry Serov: EMF Hazards: A Life-or-Death Situation
If you’re staring at your phone or tablet for hours every day without a worry, you may think twice about it after listening to Aires Tech CEO Dimitry Serov describe the problems our bodies face from the cumulative effect of EMF exposure in this Living 4D conversation.
Episode 190 — Wade Lightheart: The Spiritual Warrior
Wade Lightheart returns to the podcast to share his expert advice on the easy, effective and affordable things you can do improve your health for the long haul in this life-affirming Living 4D conversation.