From stuntmen to scientists to poets, Paul and his share the stories of how their lives have evolved and what they’ve learned along the way in this eclectic collection.
Episode 307 — Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Children, Warriors, Kings and Wise Men and Wise Women
Dr. Andrew Kaufman returns to share his view of the competing agendas at work in our world and how they distract us from reality this week on Spirit Gym.
Episode 306 — Mark Wooding: The Art Spirit
Experience how artist and animator Mark Wooding, creator of the amazingly successful After Skool and Before Skool YouTube channels, sees our world this week on Spirit Gym.
Episode 305 — Allison Pelot: self-Realization
Allison Pelot explains how you can get to the reality of who you really are this week on Spirit Gym.
Episode 304 — Dr. Judy Tsafrir: Holistic Psychiatry
Dr. Judy Tsafrir describes how healing modalities like astrology and Shamanism have reshaped her practice of holistic psychiatry this week on Spirit Gym.
Episode 302 — Dr. Kenneth Pelletier: Change Your Genes, Change Your Life
Dr. Kenneth Pelletier shares his legendary career in integrative medicine and his vast experience as a pioneer in the field of epigenetics on Spirit Gym.
Episode 301 — Julie Richards, The Crunchy Legal Lady: Facing Reality Together
Learn how the practice of law intersects with the Tarot, astrology and numerology with Julie Richards, the Crunchy Legal Lady.
Episode 300 — Paul Chek: 10 Life-Changing Books
A popular part of Paul’s weekly podcast is his diverse recommendations from his massive home library where he’s done so much research on his newly revealed magnum opus project, Spirit Gym.
Episode 299 — Matthew Wallden — Real Education
Matthew Wallden, the CHEK Institute’s Global Head of Education Development, talks about real education, the kind of development that changes the way you interface with life and the world surrounding you in this deep Living 4D conversation.
Episode 296 — Tod Desmond: Psyche and Singularity
Join Paul and Tod Desmond, author of Psyche and Singularity: Jungian Psychology and Holographic String Theory, as they explore black holes, singularities, the horizon of the cosmos, God and the rest of multiverse in this interstellar Living 4D conversation.