From stuntmen to scientists to poets, Paul and his share the stories of how their lives have evolved and what they’ve learned along the way in this eclectic collection.
Episode 294 — Mimi Lindquist and Chase Ramey: AHCC: Not Just Any Mushroom
Discover the potential benefits of Active Hexose Correlated Compound (AHCC) with Mimi Lindquist and Chase Ramey in this Living 4D conversation.
Episode 293 — Jayne Buxton: Vegan, Vegetarian or ?
Jayne Buxton, author of The Great Plant-Based Con, exposes the mind games disguised as “solutions” that have confused and sickened so many people, like diets that exclude meat or most fruits and vegetables, in the non-vegan Living 4D conversation.
Episode 289 — Daniel Mapel: The Animal Essence of Life
Discover how essences infused with the spirit of animals create amazing opportunities for learning and healing with Daniel Mapel in this gentle Living 4D conversation.
Episode 287 — Dr. Gary Reiss: Conflict Resolution
Dr. Gary Reiss describes techniques that can help you resolve nearly any disagreement you may encounter and reveals the leading cause of most disputes in the world in this conflict-free Living 4D conversation.
Episode 286 — Angie Chek: Soul Loss and Recovery
Angie Chek returns to describe soul loss and the steps you can take on your own — or with help from a skilled practitioner to recover it — in this Living 4D meeting of the minds.
Episode 285 — Gunnila and Erik Blomberg: Eleiko: Real Strength
Gunnila and Erik Blomberg share the deep respect and affection they have for Paul and CHEK Institute and how Gunnila helped bring CHEK principles to an international audience hungering for it in this Living 4D conversation.
Episode 284 — Isabel Friend: Water From A Spiritual Perspective
Isabel Friend describes water from a spiritual perspective and explains why Christianity is a water-based religion in this ethereal Living 4D conversation.
Episode 283 — Makasha and Katharine Roske: Life, A Spiritual Journey
Katharine and Makasha Roske share their lives of activism and adventure and what they’ve learned along the way in this forgiving Living 4D conversation.
Episode 282 — Jason Pickard: The Art of Life Coaching
Paul explores what separates the good coaches from the great ones and the most important thing your clients need to learn from you with Jason Pickard in this Living 4D conversation.