Personal Development
Are there parts of your life you really want to change or habits you want to break? Is now the time to put your all into pursuing your dreams? Listen to these episodes.
Episode 338 — Dr. Enolia Foti: African Shaman
Dr. Enolia Foti reveals how she left corporate America for good, and became a Shaman, Grandmother, Wise Elder and the compassionate leader she was meant to be this week on Spirit Gym.

Episode 337 — Kacie Kinzer and Tom Gerhardt: Vaporizing Nature For Well-Being
Kacie Kinzer and Tom Gerhardt describe their process for creating amazing, organically-produced herbs through their Austin-based company, Overblown, and share how Paul inspired them, this week on Spirit Gym
Episode 336 — David Lorimer: As Above So Below…
David Lorimer joins Paul for a deep conversation about the growing problems with the politics of science and how it will evolve going forward plus some poetry, this week on Spirit Gym.

Episode 335 — Russell Sturgess: Tarot For Progressive Enlightenment
Paul and Russell Sturgess explore progressive enlightenment by way of the Major Arcana of the Tarot this week on Spirit Gym.

Episode 334 — Jason Pickard Interviews Paul: Why We Are All Here
Jason Pickard — Paul’s best friend and best student — interviews Paul about the methodology behind Spirit Gym in this very special episode.

Episode 332 — Sean O’Laoire: Finding Self and Soul Today
Paul compares notes with Sean O’Laoire about the anatomy of the self and how that works with the tiny laptops in our heads this week on Spirit Gym.

Episode 330 — Tom Cronin: Life — A Spiritual Approach
Tom Cronin describes how deeply meditation could change how humans relate to the world, all of its many problems and each other this week on Spirit Gym.

Episode 328 — Edmund Knighton: Becoming a Free Thinker and Truly Human
Clinical psychologist and Anthroposophy scholar Edmund Knighton returns to explore the philosophies of Rudolf Steiner and explore what it truly means to be your best self this week on Spirit Gym.

Episode 327 — Mark Gober: An End to Upside Down Everything!
Mark Gober, author of the Upside Down series of books, describes his non-stop journey to rethink the world’s many paradigms and explore the nature of reality this week on Spirit Gym.