Personal Development

Are there parts of your life you really want to change or habits you want to break? Is now the time to put your all into pursuing your dreams? Listen to these episodes.


Episode 112 – The Women Take Over

What does it mean for a woman to own 2021? How are the challenges different for women compared to their male counterparts? Learn how from the experts at the CHEK Institute — Nicole Devaney, Amy Fournier, Jo Rushton, Ashley Mazurek, Angie Chek and Sara Gustafson — in a panel moderated by Penny Crozier, in this very lively and powerful Living 4D group discussion.


Episode 103 – Kaedrich Olsen: The Norse/Viking Path of Spiritual Development and Deep Connection

Internationally renowned expert Kaedrich Olsen shares his depth of knowledge about all things Nordic and the paranormal along with how runes can be used to unlock your potential for growth in this ethereal Living 4D conversation.


Episode 101 – Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove: Parapsychology: An Explorer’s Guide to Consciousness

Do you believe in the study of psychic phenomena known as parapsychology? If not, you won’t be a skeptic for long, as Paul explores these realms and much more with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove, host of the very popular New Thinking Allowed series on YouTube in this astral Living 4D conversation.