Plant Medicine
There is a growing belief that mother nature and her plants can help us be our best physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Paul explores how in this collection.

Episode 255 — Dr. Daniel Mishori: Education: The Dark Side
Dr. Daniel Mishori shares a warning about the state of higher education and what it will take to bring health and sanity back to our world in this Living 4D conversation.

Episode 254 — Vanessa Lambert: The Akashic Records
Explore the Akashic Records, a database of information from your soul that describes everything that has happened and will happen in your life, with Vanessa Lambert in this supportive Living 4D conversation.

Episode 253 — Reinerio Hernandez: Evolve or Perish — You Choose!
Reinerio Hernandez explains how modalities within the paranormal realm are connected by consciousness and why love is the most important thing humans must master in this ethereal Living 4D conversation
Episode 251 — Eben Britton: Warrior to Wise Man
Eben Britton shares his journey from enduring early family chaos and alcoholism to becoming an NFL starter along the offensive line and what happened after he walked away in this honest Living 4D conversation.

Episode 234 — Hamilton Souther: Plant Medicine Essentials
Explore plant medicines ceremonies and how to experience them safely with Hamilton Souther, chairman/founder of Blue Morpho a Peruvian-based company specializing in ayahuasca retreats, in this how-to Living 4D conversation.

Episode 220 — Chervin Jafarieh: From Pain to Purpose
Chervin Jafarieh returns to discuss the true meaning of whole health and the next steps in the evolution of Cymbiotika in this gentle Living 4D conversation.

Episode 219 — Darryl Schoon: Docking At the Mothership
Darryl Schoon, whose work spans the realms of economics, metaphysics and spirituality, explains why getting in touch with our inner selves matters so much and how approaching life as a bit of a fox and a hedgehog can help you stay prepared for what’s to come in this amazing Living 4D conversation.
Episode 212 — Mansal Denton: Sacred Hunting
Mansal Denton describes the process of sacred hunting he teaches and how to harness the power of nature for your spiritual benefit, whether you want to hunt or not, in this very primal Living 4D conversation.

Episode 206 — Charles Eisenstein: Waking Up to Reality
Embrace the importance of your core values over what society tells you and learn why it’s so very hard to do that with author and counter-cultural philosopher Charles Eisenstein in this deep Living 4D conversation.