Relationships & Sexuality

Listen to Paul and his guests discuss how you can cultivate a healthy relationship and sex life in this collection of episodes.


Episode 112 – The Women Take Over

What does it mean for a woman to own 2021? How are the challenges different for women compared to their male counterparts? Learn how from the experts at the CHEK Institute — Nicole Devaney, Amy Fournier, Jo Rushton, Ashley Mazurek, Angie Chek and Sara Gustafson — in a panel moderated by Penny Crozier, in this very lively and powerful Living 4D group discussion.


Episode 90 – Dr. Keith Witt: Seeing the World and Love Through Integral Psychology

Dr. Keith Witt shares his five dimensions for building successful relationships and takes on the big questions — racism, violence and radical acceptance — in this expansive and therapeutic Living 4D conversation.