Spirituality & Metaphysics
What is the nature of the world? What happens when we die? Is science the only way to know about the world? Join Paul and his guests as they explore these questions.
Episode 165 — Jeffrey Armstrong: Being A Spiritual Warrior
Jeffrey Armstrong describes his amazing life journey that led him to become a Vedic scholar, poet, a master of Sanskrit and a best-selling author in this Living 4D podcast Paul says is one of his all-time favorites!
Episode 163 — James Tunney: The Life or Death of Our Future
Author and painter James Tunney returns to discuss the dangers of scientocracy, the distraction of transhumanism and the steps we must make to work together to restore the world to a healthier place in this Living 4D podcast.
Episode 162 — Dr. Kelly Brogan: What is Life Teaching Us Now?
Best-selling author and holistic psychiatrist Dr. Kelly Brogan shares what it’s like to have a soft heart and a strong spine in this deep Living 4D conversation.
Episode 158 — Tom Paladino: Scalar Light For Rapid Healing
Tom Paladino describes the phenomenon of scalar energy and how it can be used in healing modalities you never imagined in this Living 4D podcast.
Episode 157 — Dr. Roger Jahnke, OMD: The Healer Within
Dr. Roger Jahnke, OMD, explains the differences between doing 99 days of daily practice versus 100 and how your body produces the most profound medicines in needs on its own in this healing Living 4D conversation.
Episode 156 — Ian Morris: Music That Heals You
Immerse yourself in the healing power of music with composer and sound alchemist Ian Morris in this frequency-minded Living 4D conversation.
Episode 155 — Rachel Fiori: The Essence of Spiritual Development
Paul talks to mystical therapist and life coach Rachel Fiori about what triggering really means and some steps you can take to heal your inner child in this emotional Living 4D conversation.
Episode 154 — Paul Chek: Q&A
Paul tackles death, post-workout recovery routines, the soul, money and tattoos and reveals the superpower he wishes he had in this solo Q&A podcast.
Episode 152 — Laurel Airica: WordMagic: Awakening Through Word Play
Laurel Airica describes how changing the etymology of words helps us engage with life and the amazing world we live in more vibrantly in this very aural Living 4D conversation.