Letao Wang: Celestial Deities: gods in the psyche

How does math and the ability to slice a pizza have anything to do with the Zodiac and astrology?

Spiritual counselor Letao Wang returns to the podcast to explain how the Tarot really works and why masters of the healing arts struggle to find peace while working with clients who need your help but reject it this week on Spirit Gym.

Learn more about Letao’s work on his Healing Kingdom website and via social media on YouTube and Instagram.


Public episode

5:52 Pluto is a very important planet in astrology.

9:56 The math in Chinese astrology.

23:33 Archetypes, DNA, non-local intelligence, thought forms or psychic energies: How does the Tarot work?

27:28 How constellations, the Zodiac and slicing a pizza connect.

34:02 The foundation of astrology is synchronicity.

40:42 “Each one of us is a small cosmos.”

48:53 The north and south nodes of the moon.

53:09 “Your description of Virgo is exactly what brought me to a midlife crisis.”

1:01:43 The struggle to find peace while working with clients who reject your help.

1:15:42 Letao’s most difficult client.

Members-only extended version

0:47 Which one of Letao’s Tarot Card decks should you digest first?

7:10 The god of sun and light.

17:44 Letao demonstrates how to use the Oracle guidebooks and Tarot card sets.

23:35 “If you don’t like Saturn, that means you don’t know him well enough.”

30:55 Change your behavior with priming.

37:13 The scoop on Letao’s third Oracle deck.

44:32 When you’re ready, you’ll be given the tools…


Letao’s Oracle of the Mythic Heroes Tarot card deck

Letao’s Oracle of the Celestial Deities Tarot card deck

Terrance McKenna talks about the I Ching on YouTube

The work of Dane Rudhyar and Gahl Sasson

Paul’s Living 4D conversations with Ernst Wilhelm and James Wanless

Letao’s recent appearance on Amy Fournier’s Awakening Aphrodite podcast

Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard by Chip and Dan Heath

The Forbidden Rumi: The Suppressed Poems of Rumi on Love, Heresy and Intoxication by Nevit Ergin and Will Johnson

The Drowned Book: Ecstatic and Earthly Reflections of Bauhauddin, the Father of Rumi by Coleman Barks and John Moyne

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Music Credit: Meet Your Heroes (444Hz) by Brave as Bears

All Rights Reserved MusicFit Records 2024

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