Jason Pickard Interviews Paul: Why We Are All Here
Paul has talked a lot about Spirit Gym for most of the past year, but not about how and why he created this life-changing program.
Jason Pickard — Paul’s best friend and best student — interviews Paul about the methodology behind Spirit Gym, why it’s important to know the difference between theory and real practice and recognize the most dangerous thing a student can say in this very special episode.
Learn more about Jason at his website and via social media on Instagram. Check out his previous appearances on the podcast in episodes 192, 236 and 282.
3:23 Why it was important for Paul to launch Spirit Gym now.
17:08 Discerning theory versus practice.
24:58 Forming habits.
32:31 The most dangerous thing a student can say to Paul.
44:53 The underlying myth about why we’re here.
51:03 How to focus on what you really need to succeed in Spirit Gym and life.
1:00:04 How religion and spirituality fit into Spirit Gym.
1:08:47 Change starts with a simple formula.
1:19:36 Are you a child or a warrior?
1:36:35 “There’s no better investment to make than on yourself.”
1:46:59 The left-brain culture.
1:55:50 The people who contributed the most to Paul’s development of Spirit Gym.
2:05:41 Each religion contributes its own value to the understanding of God.
2:21:40 The Master Key.
2:29:49 The importance of myth.
2:35:45 Define consciousness.
2:45:11 The many groups of fours.
2:58:16 “I came here to create masters.”
The Second Coming of Christ by Paramahansa Yogananda
Paul’s Living 4D conversations with YaHuMa, Amy Fournier and James Carse
Paul’s Spirit Gym conversations with Mike Gonzales and Greg Schmaus
The work of Brian Tracy, Ibn Arabi, Bob Proctor, Jean Gebser, Arthur Young, Joseph Rael, Henry Corbin, Inayat Khan, Clare Graves, Adi Shankara, Dustin DiPerna, Annaka Harris, Edward Edinger, Itzhak Bentov and Dan Siegel
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Music Credit: Meet Your Heroes (444Hz) by Brave as Bears
All Rights Reserved MusicFit Records 2024
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