Dr. Enolia Foti: African Shaman

You’ve been existing unhappily in the toxic world of corporate America for a long time and the downsizing has begun. Fear is all you know, and you can be cut out of that world at a moment’s notice.

What would you do?

When faced with that question, Dr. Enolia Foti took an amazing journey to connect with her African and Native American roots through working with a string of amazing teachers. Enolia reveals how she left corporate America for good, and became a Shaman, Grandmother, Wise Elder and the compassionate leader she was meant to be this week on Spirit Gym.

Discover more about Enolia and her retreats, masterclasses, energy sessions, mentorship opportunities and books at her website. Find Enolia on social media via Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Check out her video, Infinite Possibilities, Meditation One, Speak to your Higher Self Through Your Quantum Field, on YouTube.

Join Enolia, Angie Chek and Paul for their upcoming two-day workshop May 24-25 at the Rainbow House where you will learn how to make your own Shamanic drum and play it! Hit this link to learn more about this very special workshop and reserve your spot today!


2:22 Creating a drum is much more than building an instrument.

6:22 Enolia leaves corporate America and begins to embrace her African and Native American roots.

10:31 Enolia finds her teacher.

21:47 Unlearning the corporate ways at her first retreat, then learning compassionate leadership.

34:03 Learning from a string of teachers.

43:19 Going on a walking safari in Africa with Deva Premal.

50:07 A new life.

57:12 True surrender.

1:08:41 Can you make a real commitment?

1:19:01 Enolia shares the stories indigenous teachers taught her in The 7 Principles for Self-Mastery.

1:28:29 “Part of the Shamanic way is acknowledging nature and being in it.”

1:32:28 Trust your first instinct… don’t guess it.

1:37:14 The opposite of ignorance.

1:45:57 “All of us are vibratory beings.”

1:51:01 Embrace your sovereign voice.

2:04:21 Exploring hardened, unworkable male patterns colliding with reality on a six-hour taxi ride.

2:13:46 Incorporating Shamanic concepts in your business.

2:18:29 Paradigm shifts.

2:22:37 A Shamanic approach to consider when encountering broken systems.

2:32:24 Enolia’s parting message could heal the world if everyone followed it.


The 7 Principles for Self-Mastery by Dr. Enolia Foti

Enolia: Finding My Sovereign Voice With My Grandmother Elder by Dr. Enolia Foti

Enolia: Discover Your Sovereign Self Journal by Dr. Enolia Foti

Know Thyself: 30 Day Program to Conscious Living by Dr. Enolia Foti

The work of Dr. Bernard Jensen

The Map of Consciousness Explained: A Proven Energy Scale to Actualize Your Ultimate Potential by Dr. David Hawkins

Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior by Dr. David Hawkins

Paul’s Living 4D conversation with Angie Chek

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Music Credit: Meet Your Heroes (444Hz) by Brave as Bears

All Rights Reserved MusicFit Records 2024

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